
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2級 Grammar 186-91

It figures we would plow through dozens of grammar points in the past few weeks only to stall out with a paltry six to go. The good news? Here they are! The bad news? The test is in only 13 days. By now anybody taking the test should have gotten their voucher and be all set to go. As we enter these last two weeks and activate hyper-study mode, I believe that we will still be able to put out a few entries... but don't be surprised if they're test-centric.

Enough stalling. Let's slay this giant.

186) ~を問わず(とわず)
Regardless of ~ , ...
Without no concern of ~ , ...

It's the same as "にかかわらず" in a lot of ways, though cases where the preceding phrase are two opposite things - "Regardless of rain or sun," "With no concern of skill or lack thereof" - are particularly common.

Ex. テストが来たら、僕は嬉しい悲しいを問わずに受けます。試験に関するスキルの中に感情がいるわけないだよ。

187) ~をぬきにして(は) ・ ~はぬきにして
without ~
leaving out ~

This one hearkens back to the "ぬき" grammar point. The big difference is that this seems to be more in the realm of intangibles, cases where a higher formality is required, and theoretical situations. Can any native speakers verify this?

Ex. 四字熟語や表現などをぬきにして、このブログまだほとんど40文法についてポストがあります。すごいものだね。

188) ~をはじめ
Starting with ~ and going on to...
~ for starters, and then...

Almost as simple as it seems, save that this expression starts a list of similar things. The book goes on to explain "AをはじめB, C", where A is representative of how the list will continue.

Ex. 今日の勉強予定:漢字練習をはじめ、文法など復讐します。

189) ~をはじめとする
Starting from ~,

This one has a much trickier construction that was woefully under-explained. Grammar point 188 is when you are going to list other objects or actions that follow the first. 189 is used when you're setting up a subject, ie 新幹線をはじめとする交通機関が雪のためストップしていうます。 "Starting with the shinkansen, transportation services are being shut down due to snow."

Ex. 今日をはじめとする僕は本当に毎日の3、4時間ぐらい勉強するはずだが。。。

190) ~をめぐって ・ ~をめぐる
about ~
concerning ~

How to discern this from the million other ways to say "about?" This one is particularly suited to problems and topics of discussion, and is probably bandied about willy-nilly when election season comes around.

Ex. やっぱり今週は来月の試験をめぐる文法例文は多いだね。

191) ~をもとにして
Based on ~,
With reference to ~,

This last one proved a little tricky for me, so to clarify things, I'm going to relay the key point to you all:
「AをもとにしてB」 AはBの材料 ・ Bを作るヒントになったもの。
In other words, "A" is a key component in making "B", whether it's because "B" is about "A" or because "A" provides hints or guidance on how to make "B".

Ex. 前の文法例文をもとにして、新しい文をきちんと書きましょう。あれ?もう終わった?


Blue Shoe said...

Little late for me to point this out, but I believe you have a typo for number 188.


I think 復讐 should be 復習. As it stands now, it is revenge, not review.

Good post, though - very useful.

Bobby Judo said...

Spoken like a man who's never been grievously wronged by grammar.

Also... thanks.