
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2級 Grammar 141-145

In an idea that is half laziness, half inspiration, and one hundred percent guaranteed disaster, I am leaving today's example sentences to YOU, the lucky readers! To help lubricate this idea, I'm going to include one example from the book so you have a slightly more solid idea of how the grammar point works in action. When you post your grammar sentences, make sure you post one that nobody else has posted on yet. If you have a picture to go with it, go ahead and post the link in the comments and I will make it so. If you don't have a picture but would like one custom made (or searched) for you, just say so, and it shall be done. Now go forth and grammar!

Also note - I will replace the book sentences with your sentences as they come in. In the event that nobody suggests any sentences, I'll gradually do them myself.

141) ~によると ・ ~によれば
According to ~,

This one is relatively clean cut. The translation is given as "~の話では", or "according to the story give by ~". The three examples are all pretty telling, too - the newspaper, the TV news, and a friend. Sweetness.

Nirav's sentence: 今朝のニュースによると、「日刊四字」の更新率が最近安定しているそうです。

142) ~にわたって ・ ~にわたり ・ ~にわたる
over the course of ~,
over the range of ~,
over a period of ~,
throughout ~,

This one can apply to a wide range of subjects, such as time, distance, or scope/range on a less tangible scale. Think the scope of a plan to build a new highway in the city, or somebody's range of expertise. Fun hint - it can only be used after a noun.

Kiwial's sentence: 三年に渡って、日本ハムファイターズがパ・リーグのクライマックスシリーズに入りました。

143) ~ぬきで ・ ~ぬきに ・ ~ぬきの
without ~
not including ~

I learned this one after I gave a confusing order to a employee at a fast food restaurant. I wanted to order a hamburger without mayonnaise, and I (in retrospect) humorously said something like "マヨネーズはありません". THERE IS NO MAYONNAISE. Since there clearly WAS mayonnaise, she didn't circle the "no mayo" bubble and I began to feebly gesture and mutter until Nirav, standing right behind me, just whipped out "マヨネーズぬきでお願いします。" Problem solved, grammar learned. Like the last one, pair these guys up with a noun.

Book sentence: これ、あなたが作ったケーキですか。おせじぬきにおいしです。

144) ~ぬく
To ~ until the end
To ~ completely or thoroughly

The construction for this one is Verb-ます form minus the ます, plus ぬく. It emphasizes the fact that whatever verb you tag it onto is happening at an X-TREME level.

Book sentence: 難しい数字の問題を考えぬいて答えが出せたときは、うれしかった。

145) ~の末に ・ ~た末に ・ ~た末の (末=すえ)
following ~,
as the result of ~,
after ~, ~ FINALLY happened.

Man, I feel like an idiot for not realizing this kanji existed. When I first saw it I thought, "huh, that's a unique way for the 未 kanji to show up..." To my credit, though, I was suspicious from the get go. Not from a grammatical point of view, however, but just because the shape seemd off. and sure enough it was. 末 is NOT 未, as it would turn out. And with that tidbit, we meet this grammar point. Although it's not listed, I get the feeling this one has a little more emphasis than just "後" might provide.

Book sentence: 必死で練習した末の大会出場だから、本当にうれしい。


Nirav said...



Anyhow, since I'm first:
141) 今朝のニュースによると、「日刊四字」の更新率が最近安定しているそうです。

According to this morning's news, the rate of updates to the Daily Yoji has recently been stable.

Defendership said...

Sass抜きにコメントしてください >:O

4 more!

Anonymous said...

I'll give it a go.

I hope this is grammatically right, I did check with my wife.



Defendership said...

Sweet, al - thanks for the sentence! I honestly don't follow Japanese sports that much, but I have to say that I've loved the Ham Fighters ever since I heard their name for the first time :D

toshi said...

keep up the good work brother!

i hope i end up getting to take the JLPT haha