
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


いち じつ せん しゅう
ichi jitsu sen shuu

Today on the Biennial Yo-ji, we've got some more 4kyuu kanji for you; read it as as it lays: one day thousand autumns.

I remember when I was working at 春、the sushi bar in New York, when I first realized how sometimes, a non-native speaker can speak more profoundly than a native speaker. As a native English speaker, I'm so good at the short-cuts, the easiest, basic, most efficient ways to say things, that I don't concern myself with my diction much. A poet and a language learner have that in common, I guess. They HAVE to agonize over word choice.

I was talking to Jorge, one of the busboys, and we were bitching about the time. And I said, "Man, this sucks. This day is DRAGGGGGGGGING."
And he said, "Yes, ... the time... it becomes eternal."
And Machida-san, the chef said "一日千秋。”*

Definition: 一日が千年にも長く感じられ気持ちどおしいこと。
1. The time becomes eternal
2. A seemingly endless stretch of time (implies impatience)

And today's real life example sentence comes once again from the Nirav himself, indisputable proof that sometimes non-native speakers can be more poetic than natives, especially considering the fact that the Japanese girl he said it to DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT MEANT!

When you're not here, my heart collapses under the pressure of the bullshit that it pumps instead of blood.**

The video is of October, a Japanese U2 tribute band covering Unchained Melody. I dedicate it to you Nirav, and any other hopeless romantics out there (until I can figure out how to make the video start at the point I want it to, which according to google, I SHOULD be able to do, just save yourself the time and skip ahead to 5:25).

*This part of the conversation invented for purposes of segue.


Claytonian said...


This food poisoning has been going on for like a small eternity.

Sorry I couldn't have been of more help. I am not much use to myself at the moment. Time for more pills.

Claytonian said...

Oh one thing I forgot about. If you have blogger, you can upload directly to it without youtube. I never do that because my hoards of fans on youtube slightly outnumber my hoards of fans on my blog.

g..k..s..t..r said...

I waited impatiently for my father to come home.