
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Monday, November 5, 2007


じ ぼう じ き
ji bou ji ki

Today I am rushed and late, because, as I'm sure someone will desperately try to point out in an example sentence, my girlfriend is in town! So to make it extra challenging, I'm giving you "oneself," "violence," "oneself," and "abandonment."

Definition: 自分で自分を粗末に扱い捨て鉢になること。
1. Complete and utter desperation
2. Self-defeat
3. Giving up on everything

This would've been a good one to know a few weeks ago when my やる気 would just not でない, but I learned it last week, in conjunction with its opposite, which I'll give you tomorrow. The woman who taught it to me says that it's more than just your garden variety depression though, and that it's usually caused by some immense failure. It's the feeling of giving up on yourself after you've failed miserably at everything you've tried, and so maybe it's warranted?

I've given up on life, so I'm off to drown my sorrows in alcohol!


Claytonian said...


someone tell me if I can't use a gerund that way

Defendership said...


Another definition of complete desperation - Nirav without alcohol.

Bobby Judo said...


Would this be a good opportunity to use 新作?

Claytonian said...

I think that could work

Bobby Judo said...

Also, something I find endlessly awesome:

In my example sentence "やけ酒” (violently excessive alcohol consumption for the purposes of temporarily escaping the stresses od life) could potentially be written in Kanji using the same kanji that make じき from this 四字熟語。"自棄酒," see? And according to the Kanji genius I know, not many Japanese people would know that reading.

And that's the real value of learning obscure Japanese expressions: elitism.

Unknown said...

Jeff, you need to make sure that your kanji genius drinks more on days that he doesn't want to before asking for his advice. OH WAIT!

Well, this is only post 1 of 2 for today, so I'll make it quick.


Unknown said...

oops. Translation:

Not only did the company he started go out of business, his wife left him and everyone thinks of him as the bad guy. I guess he must be going through the lowest point in his life right now...