
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today I'm running pretty close to 自暴自棄, as are some of you apparently (don't give up on ALL people, Clay! Natalie Portman is a person, after all), so first, apologies for missing yesterday. I taught six lessons at Elementary school and then fell asleep until this morning. Second, today I'm short-shafting you, and just giving you Tuesday's answer.

I'm pretty sure "short-shafting" is a mixed metaphor that I just made up... combining "short-shrift" and "shaft" as in "to give someone the shaft." But if "shafting" is bad, shouldn't "short-shafting" be not so bad? I guess my philosophy is that if you're going to do anything, you should do it all the way. If you're going to give or receive the shaft, it might as well be the whole thing. So, sorry for not giving you a thorough enough shafting...

The actual usage of 海千山千 is negative. A person who has a multitude of different kinds of experience (both good experiences and Dark Side experiences) has the potential, at any time, to be two distinct people. And when dealing with a person like that, you have to be careful, because you never know which dragon you're talking to at any given moment.

There's something about him that I just don't trust, so please, be careful.

A father's advice to a dating daughter, perhaps?


Defendership said...

My definition may have been a little off, but I stand by my example sentence >:O and all the translations I saw usually give it the "sly old fox" or "sly old dog" connotation, which is roughly how you defined it and a pretty good comparison, if a little outdated (but being outdated is a hard argument to make against some of these idioms, I'm sure)

Claytonian said...

Facebook status refference? The esoteric implodes visitors heads.

BTW, Natalie Portman and I share an eyebrow thing that I may explain some day.

Also BTW, Bobby Judo tells lies! He was drunk as a Nirav yesterday; not sleeping. I have the chat logs to prove it!
Hoy. I've been around the block so you you'd better watch it.


Claytonian said...

attention: Bobby says I have my days mixed up, which is a very logical explanation knowing me.