hyakka ryouran
I'm making plans to head to Huis Ten Bosch, a re-creation of some major Dutch landmarks and a Dutch themed town, located in Sasebo, near Nagasaki. Huis Ten Bosch boasts great beer, outstanding chocolate, an M.C. Escher museum, and gardens that are renowned throughout all of Japan. Or... all of Kyushu at least. Advertisements actually bill Huis Ten Bosch as "the world's largest flower resort," and seeing as how they are currently featuring their 「花の祝祭、」 I figured I could prepare by arming myself with this one, and arm you with a couple of flower themed phrases as well.
1. A multitude of flowers blooming.
2. A sudden and varied flourishing of anything.
3. A gathering of a lot of beautiful women.
4. Simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements.
This expression is used literally, with some regularity, even if it's mostly in the spring time but it's also used to talk about floral patterns in clothing or prints. And, as you can imagine from translations 2 and 4, it can also be applied to things like cultural renaissances or technological revolutions. Or you can use it as a metaphor about hot chicks. See if you can pick out which meaning is being used before clicking on the links below:
Of course, Japan is not the only country to make the comparison between flowers and women, and this is by no means the only expression in which they do so. Tomorrow's trivia post will focus on some cool flower-related expressions and random words, but to tide you over until then, take this one today:
りょうて に はな
ryou te ni hana
りょうて に はな
ryou te ni hana
"A flower in each hand" is a girl on each arm, and it’s used regularly to describe men who are torn between two women (or who are simply dating two women); jokingly, to describe a married man with a wife and daughter; or most commonly, as revealed by Google Image Search, to cleverly caption personal photos that have two women in them.
Back with more flowers tomorrow!
例文(borrowed from the yoji databank):
The large, intial influx of foreign-produced online-gaming products, caused the blossoming of violent resistance in the Japanese market.
the romaji under today's yoji is typoed!
I liked the place a lot, outside of the price. The museum was worth it. And the cheese made its way into a youtube video, and my heart. Now we are dating.
Fixed! Thanks for the heads up, Clay - good eye.
And I'd be careful if I were you, Clay. I dated that cheese once, and it ended in heartbreak and gas.
百花繚乱 also happens to be a kick-oshiri track by the Yoshida Brothers.
Check it out here:
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