
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Announcing a Short Hiatus:

We finally had a good run going here on The Daily Yo-ji, but Brett and I are gonna be leaving you for a while. As a part of our never-ending quest to improve our Japanese, the two of us and a small team of others are going on an excursion to India!

"Why India?" you ask.

Well, because if living in Japan has taught me anything, it's to base my opinions of foreigners on very narrowly defined stereotypical categories, and hey, 100% of the Indian people I know are fluent in both Japanese and English. Makes sense now, right?

Actually we're off on a Habitat for Humanity trip until the 11th of May.

If you're lucky, Nirav might make a post or two in our absence.


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