
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


くうぜん ぜつご
kuuzen zetsugo

Do you guys remember 前代未聞? It means completely unprecedented, an event or occurrence that takes things to a new level... although with 前代未聞, it's usually a new level of SUCK. I seem to remember that despite the note that it carried a negative connotation, I got an example sentence about Barack Obama becoming president, although I didn't get the sense that the author was particularly against the idea. Today's yo-ji could be described as the positive version of 前代未聞, but be careful, it also carries it's own special connotation.

Translation (today Rikai Chan does it best):
1. So marvelous (or horrible) that it may be the first of it's kind, and probably the last

'Horrible' is parenthetical here. The usages of this yo-ji are mostly positive, though it does suggest a one time event. If you were to describe an Obama presidency with 空前絶後, you'd be implying that you didn't expect a repeat.

例文: マッハGoGoGoの実写版は空前絶後の映画です。CGIは本当にカッコいいけど、きちんと話の内容がなくて、残念です。
The live action Speed Racer is a movie like no-other. The effects are really cool. It's just a shame there's no substance to it.

Not that the original anime could be accused of having substance either...

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