
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


じゅうにん といろ
jyuu nin to iro

I can't believe I haven't posted this yet! It's one of my all time favorite Yo-ji because it's so easy to understand, and even easier to use in everyday conversation. This is way overdue!



1. Different strokes for different folks.
2. To each their own.
3. Everybody's different.

This makes a great reply whenever you come up against a stereotype, because no one can deny the simple truth of it AND they'll be blown away by the fact that you said it.

Today's example sentences come from an exchange I've had more than once, almost verbatim.

例文: Aさん: コーヒー飲みますか?
Bさん: あの、コーヒーはちょっと。。。
Thanks, no.
Aさん: アラ!だって、アメリカ人でしょう?
What? But... but you're American?
Bさん: まあ、アメリカでも十人十色ですね。
Well, even in America, everybody has different tastes.
Aさん: わー!すごい!
Holy shit!

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