
Now Featuring 1級 Grammar, Everyday Japanese That You Won't Find in the Book, and Language and Cultural Trivia!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


いく どうおん
iku douon

Today's yo-ji jukugo is so straightforward and easy to understand that the only thing I can possibly do to make it more interesting/challenging is throw a bunch of synonymous 四字熟語 at you. Different phrases, but they're saying the same thing. How appropriate.

Before that though, while I'm still basking in how clever I am, let's check the definition.

1. In unison
2. Unanimously

The kanji make this one clear enough: different mouths, same sound.


異口同声 (いくどうせい;ikudousei) and 異口同辞 (いくどうじ; ikudouji) get away with just switching out the last kanji, to become "different mouths, same voice" and "different mouths, same language" respectively. But if you're a Rikai-chan user, you'll notice that these don't enjoy the same recognition that 異口同音 does, so don't expect them to work well in conversation.

Then there's 衆目一致 (しゅうもくいっち; shuumokuicchi) which is used to mean a consensus of opinion, or something widely agreed upon, or widely admitted.

And we'll finish out with 満場一致 (まんじょういっち;manjyouicchi) which also means "unanimous."

Things that I'm paying close attention to:

  • The reading of , which features in a handful of 1級 熟語.
  • , which also is important for 1級, in that it gets used a lot for things that are in the public arena, like politics and business, in which direction 1級 content tends to lean (you know, when they're not focused on video games).
  • 一致, appearing in two of the synonymous yo-ji, used to mean "agreement," or "union." And coincidence. Not the 偶然 style coincidence, but an act of coinciding.


Easily-fooled teacher: I thought you had homework to hand in, but if EVERYONE in class is saying that there wasn't any, I guess I forgot to assign it!


Anonymous said...

This blog is great! Thanks for your hard work on it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your siteI love everything about it.

Amy said...

I just found this site, its great! I know a lot of people that would find this blog useful :)
Will you be continuing in 2010?

Furious said...

Jeff, did you ever see the jukugo karuta game they have for sale at the hobby store at YouMe Town?

Bobby Judo said...

@Amy... we aren't all that reliable these days, but we're still here. We want to pass 1級, so the grammar will keep coming, and if we're studying we'll come across interesting stuff and toss it on... so if you can sub via RSS then you can be pleasantly surprised when we do. :) Yoroshiku,

@Doctor Fur,

No, I have not. What's that about?

Unknown said...

How about any jukugo about lonelyness?

Great video @jinja by the way.

Florentino Anna said...

This is probably the most informative Japanese blog I have checked. Thank you very much for all the hard work : )